by Nnimmo | Dec 29, 2015 | Culture, Stories
Breaking the barriers Christmas season offers us opportunities to show love and remind ourselves that we are all humans, no matter our situations in life. In the midst of prevalent obnoxious consumerist tendencies, the bright lights and funfairs, there are many among...
by Nnimmo | Dec 24, 2015 | Analysis, Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Environment, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
The movement against subsidising the fossil fuel industry continues to grow and is an integral part of the keep it in the ground struggle. However, in places like Nigeria, contentious subsidies are those related to the importation of petroleum products. The debate is...
by Nnimmo | Dec 20, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Dirty Energy, Environment, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
For two days in the Maison des Metallos, Paris, experts, victims, prosecutors and judges presented or listened to cases of crimes against Mother Earth and at the end judgements were passed. There were solemn spiritual moments, moments of awe at the rapacious...
by Nnimmo | Dec 18, 2015 | Dirty Energy, Environment
The decision of the Appeal Court at The Hague on 18 December 2015 that the four farmers whose lands and creeks were damaged by Shell’s pollution can indeed sue the oil mogul in The Netherlands has come as refreshing news. While this is a sweet step towards total...
by Nnimmo | Dec 16, 2015 | Analysis, Climate Change, Corporate Capture, Dirty Energy, Militarism
This is a synopsis of the great book, THE SECURE AND THE DISPOSSESSED, from the TNI staple: What if government and corporate elites have given up on the idea of stopping climate change and prefer to try to manage its consequences? The Secure and the Dispossessed shows...
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