by Nnimmo | Oct 25, 2019 | Analysis, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Dirty Energy, Environment, Militarism, Policy, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
Oil Spills in Bauchi- coming soon. Crude oil is sometimes called the black gold and has an allure that almost makes it irresistible to speculators, corporations, governments and those who believe that wealth does trickle down from such exploitations. Whatever is the...
by Nnimmo | Oct 11, 2019 | Alternatives, Analysis, Biosafety, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Development alternatives, Environment, Food, Militarism, Policy, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Oftentimes industry is related to the transformation of nature or raw materials in factories. The word, technology has roots in Greek:...
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