by Nnimmo | Mar 23, 2020 | Alternatives, Analysis, Biosafety, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Environment, Food, Governance, Policy
Technofixes and the State of Our Biosafety. A time like this demands and permits only sober consideration of where we are coming from, where we are and where we are heading to. The world is virtually shut down due to the ravages of a virus. This is no time for...
by Nnimmo | Mar 19, 2020 | Alternatives, Biosafety, Culture, Environment, Poetry, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
I see the invisible I see the invisible I hear the inaudible And I feel the intangible I’m everywhere in no time Floating on memories of strained futures Aloft on lofty hopes Sliding on rugged dreams in truncated nights I see the invisible I hear the inaudible And...
by Nnimmo | Mar 12, 2020 | Analysis, Biosafety, Climate Change, Culture, Environment, Governance, Policy, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
The world is in the grip of a virus that could change many things. Coronavirus, that tiny, invisible organism, has reminded humans that there are things that are simply not under our control. The virus has attacked the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak. It...
by Nnimmo | Mar 6, 2020 | Alternatives, Analysis, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Development alternatives, Dirty Energy, Environment, Policy, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
The world has been fatally seduced by petroleum. Multiple oil spills continue unabated in the oilfields of the Niger Delta. While the oil companies claim that they have bettered their sense of responsibility by detecting and remediating oil spill sites, these largely...
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