by Nnimmo | Aug 27, 2021 | Alternatives, Analysis, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Development alternatives, Environment, Food, Governance, Militarism, Policy
The fact that Africa can be completely circumnavigated has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that the continent can be accessed by sea from any direction. This means that the seas can be a ready tool for wrapping up the continent and promoting...
by Nnimmo | Aug 5, 2021 | Alternatives, Analysis, Climate Change, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Corporate Capture, Culture, Development alternatives, Dirty Energy, Environment, Food, Governance, Militarism
Climate change and variability in Nigeria is starkly illustrated in the northern and southern regions of Nigeria by desertification and coastal erosion respectively. This is so because attention is often focussed on these phenomena in the North and in the South. The...
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