by Nnimmo | Aug 24, 2017 | Analysis, Biosafety, Climate/Ecological Crimes, Culture, Environment, Food, Poetry, Stories
We held dialogues on Re-Source Democracy in communities and Sustainability Academies on the same issue in two universities- the University of Port Harcourt and the University of Uyo. We also co-hosted the 2017 edition of the Right Livelihood Lecture at the RLC campus...
by Nnimmo | Aug 24, 2017 | Biosafety, Corporate Capture, Culture, Environment, Food, Policy, Rights of Nature/Mother Earth
The plans to take total control of Nigeria’s food system is moving rapidly on the genetically engineered organisms (GMO) highway. The list of GMOs being pushed in Nigeria includes beans, maize and cotton. Recently the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture...
by Nnimmo | Aug 21, 2017 | Analysis, Corporate Capture, Dirty Energy, Environment, Policy
The premise of the Petroleum Host Community Development Bill, 2016, is the pursuit of development of Petroleum “Host Communities” using the vehicle of the Petroleum Community Trust. The Bill ignores the fact that a community does not have to host petroleum...
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